Mind Focused Monday

Welcome to Mind Focused Monday, where I support you in remembering the POWER of a TRULY FOCUSED MIND.

Each Monday you can begin your week by experiencing with me, the growing POWER OF A FOCUSED MIND. I may tell you supportive MIND FOCUSED stories, give you guidance on how to use the mind as a tool, teach you techniques to focus your mind, or share ideas and strategies which, when followed, will allow you to more easily:

UNDERSTAND THE MIND e.g. The mind is a tool that can be used correctly to better manage your emotions and create silence.

GAIN CONTROL OF THE MIND e.g. Used properly the mind is our instrument to use, we can eventually remove false identities, addictions, unwanted voices, stress, and anxiety.

FOCUS YOUR MIND e.g. When focused, the mind can be used to achieve your goals; including the creation of peaceful, positive conversations with yourself and others.

DEVELOP A HEALTHY MIND e.g. A mind that develops and implements the correct daily practices will be a healthy mind.

A very well trained mind can do all this and so much more as well as deal with whatever life is throwing at you.

I will also emphasize keywords of guidance, like just PAUSE, as words for you to use either out loud or in your mind's eye, as a guide, a reminder or a mantra in the week ahead.

Maybe the reason you’re here is that your mind is in fact full. We have all experienced it. Busy days on the phone, on social media, driving to places quickly and not finding the time or space to just PAUSE! To sit still, to let go of thoughts, ideas, problems, worries, possibilities, to surrender in the present moment and to naturally quieten your mind.

That’s it, just PAUSE, put the phone down, turn it off, turn off the TV. Sit Still. Park the car. Maybe look at a sunset, lookout on the world. Look up to the vast open blue sky above. Maybe just sit quietly in nature. Just allowing the mind to focus on harmonious scenes of your choosing. In this way just PAUSE, to be still and to empty your mind naturally. I’m not talking about doing this for a long period of time yet, just starting gently with a couple of minutes a day.

Just giving yourself the opportunity to be a natural state of balance, a harmonious place. That’s right. Just being with yourself, without the distractions of technology, people, places, things. Without the distractions of listening, without overloading your senses, without busying your eyes by watching those programs on Netflix. Just finding and choosing the button to just PAUSE during your day.

The next step for another week will be to become self-aware, to slow down and observe yourself in this space. And then, as you are slowing down just for a few minutes, recognize how centered and settled you can become. Beyond that, when you’re ready, we can just begin to consider the practices that you can follow daily. Actions that can allow you to increase your levels of self-awareness, to give you a peaceful mind, a focused mind and not just on Monday but a focused mind every day!

Have an amazing week, take breaks you know you deserve, just PAUSE and I’ll look forward to speaking with you soon.

Join me for live online meditation, free on Mondays 8.30 pm - 9 pm (UK time). Register now to get your free introduction to meditation and join me live on Zoom for 30 minutes. 

For additional reassurance, help, support, and inspiration check out everything we offer at The Quantum Questions. 

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