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The Quantum Questions was established in 2020 by co-founders Lucy Pattinson, Greg Garrett and Sam Pilbeam. Inspired by their shared commitment to the transformation of individuals, relationships, communities, and the planet.

We offer a variety of services and products including courses, eventsretreats, videos, and regular podcasts.

We welcome everyone to join our free weekly meditation and relaxation sessions online. 

We recognise that the climb ahead, on everybody's life path, is very steep at times and full of challenges. Regardless of the path of personal growth chosen, rather than just scratching the surface, we advocate understanding real success, measuring progress, staying focused, digging deeper, and making super efforts to keep ascending.



Lucy Pattinson 


""I am fascinated by life, by people, by transformation."

 Co-founder of The Quantum Questions and fully certified breath coach.

Lucy is a long-standing member of the International Breathwork Foundation and the British Rebirth Society. She trained in 1992 as a Rebirthing Breathwork Practitioner in Connecticut, USA.  It was the highest level of training in the world at the time.

She did advanced breathwork training with Sondra Ray as a Liberation Breathing Practitioner completing in 2018.

She has had a very successful private breathwork practice and co-leads The Breath of Life Training.

In more recent years Lucy has trained with Advaitananda Stoian, a high level spiritual practitioner and quantum physicist. Through this she has gained access to superior intuition, learning alignment to her heart and how to effectively assist others in profound transformations.

“I have muddled through life, like so many of us. Becoming a mother, learning on the job with all the mistakes that come with that. Ups and downs of relationships. Weaving around trying to find my place in this universe. Finding high level teachers and teachings have been my key to raising the level of my life. It has been a process of decades, starting with training as a Rebirthing Breathwork in my 20’s.

It feels a long convoluted path. But my life is both grounding and expanding rapidly at the same time. I am now so delighted by all the tiny details of life as well as the big mysteries of this universe. Life is fascinating.”

Lucy does in-depth daily personal spiritual practices and aims for continuous transformation, both teaching and learning from those she teaches.

Lucy leads The Breath of Life and co-leads The Who Am I? Series and How to Live a Good Life course. 

Breathing Matters

Sam Pilbeam 


"I have been a ‘seeker’ all my life"

" I was introduced to meditation at aged 5 by my parents.

I then went on to learn Transcendental Meditation at age 14.  It was a very useful tool for me, especially in times of stress or depletion.

My interest in the universe, spirituality and vibrational medicine was fuelled by my parents who were way ahead of the times back then.

Discussing and measuring energy fields, homeopathy, and the vibrational universe were common topics of discussion in my family. 

I have always loved personal development, learning about myself and others and how to improve and heal oneself at the same time.  When you change yourself the world around you changes.

I've gained invaluable knowledge, made great friends, manifested my heart's desires and taken control of my health through various courses, including Tony Robbins Mastery University, Tony Robbins' Law of Attraction Seminar, over 10 years of experience in Conscious Breathwork.  

I was a beauty and holistic therapist and am a qualified NLP Practitioner, Reiki Level 2 Practitioner, Scenar Practitioner, and Healing Codes Practitioner.

 I am a fully qualified Breathwork Facilitator and have trained with Sondra Ray in Liberation Breathing and Nathalia Westmacott-Brown at First Breath.

I have run breathwork groups and run a private practice for Rebirthing clients in person and on zoom.

In more recent years I have also trained with Advaitananda Stoian in the Quantum Transformation Institute.

Book a free discovery call

Greg Garrett


"My mind was agitated, my relationships were toxic, my body was shattered and my spirit almost extinguished, I knew I could not continue like this."

Greg Garrett qualified as an NLP trainer from HNLP in 2003.  He has run many practitioner courses and has also been offering guidance to hundreds of people as an NLP coach.
Greg is also a qualified Reiki Master and a Hypnotherapist, a successful property developer, entrepreneur and business consultant.
 He brings his healing modalities and worldly experience together to ignite fast transformations in others.
“After being on the financial treadmill paying staff, mortgages, school fees, holidays, fancy cars, I was worn out. I was constantly seeking external motivation, a new earthly spark, more adventurous business activities, new women, and fast hobbies. My mind was agitated, my relationships were toxic, my body was shattered and my spirit was almost extinguished.  I knew I could not continue like this.
In my despair, surrounded by the toxic relationships, I hit rock bottom.
Then I found my spiritual path, found an amazing mentor and something switched inside me.  The promise of transformation is not an easy path, but within weeks of doing specific trainings and practices my mind began to settle.  Within months my ill-disciplined energies were coming under control.  Within a year I was 17kg lighter. After 3 years I can only describe what happened as truly miraculous.  I was off the hamster wheel, able for the first time in my life at 50 to touch my toes and I was finally working on my true purpose of helping others. After 3+ years I do not recognise myself when I look in the mirror, I enjoy practicing for longer daily and I study like a gifted child."

Greg is a presenter for The Who Am I? SeriesHow to Live a Good Life and The Meditation Training Course

Free Meditation with Greg


We often call upon specialists to contribute their knowledge and enrich the courses that we offer. 

Nick Owen

Retired Director of the Oxford School of Psychotherapy. 

Advaitananda Stoian

Educated scientist who worked in the Academy of Science, but also an advanced spiritual practitioner who has been teaching and practicing Yoga and Meditation for the last thirty years. He is the founder and principal teacher of The Institute of Quantum Transformation



Catherine Dunworth

Teacher of esoteric Tantra & Yoga and coordinates Venus UK where women can discover more of their essence and being. 

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