Peeling The Layers Of The Onion

Welcome to Mind Focused Monday, where I support you in remembering the POWER of a TRULY FOCUSED MIND. 

This week, let me support you in peeling away unnecessary mental layers while supporting you in Revealing Inner Beauty. I will emphasize keywords of guidance, like Revealing Inner Beauty,  as words for you to use either out loud or in your mind's eye, as a guide, a reminder or a mantra in the week ahead.

So the way of Revealing Inner Beauty is to peel back the many layers we have overlaid. That’s it. You just peel them away, peel away the identities that no longer serve you as if peeling away the layers of an onion, just strip it away, layer by layer, strip away all the distractions that you’ve built up during this lifetime, and as you’re dropping the layers, your Revealing Inner Beauty

You start with the outer skin first, the protective layer and voila a new journey to Revealing Inner Beauty begins. Then skin upon skin, layer upon layer, sequentially removing the layers to reveal something important. Taking your time patiently, purposefully, persistently, that’s right, peeling away your many layers.

As you progress, it can be painful or even surprisingly exciting peeling away the layers. Tears of sorrow or tears of joy may flow from you. Layers of corruption being removed or layers leading to deeper joy all removed, all Revealing Inner Beauty.

The raw sorrow of regret in life exclaiming, “I can’t believe I behaved that way!” as you peel away the layers of a  lifetime of inappropriate behaviours and interactions. Consider your own excitement when revealing the heart or the core buried beneath a series of mistruths, identities, beliefs and issues. Eventually just as with an onion, once the layers are peeled, chopped or diced we can find ourselves using them for flavour, for nutrition, for colour. What once made us cry, can now become guiding memories, enhancing lessons and enriching teachers.

Or, imagine the raw joy of insatiable curiosity in life when exclaiming, “I can’t wait to see what happens next!”, as you peel away another layer, on your journey to Revealing Inner Beauty. Continuing until you arrive at the core, the heart of your beingness, arriving at your inner truth and space.

The next step, right now, as you’re Revealing Inner Beauty, is starting to peel the outer skin. Be brave now, be courageous as you shed the layers of unwanted skin, some hardened, some lose, some rotten. Layers from my life have included removing many layers of sexualised behaviour to reveal a deeper loving core. Also removing layers of agitation or anger to reveal a core of peace and harmony.

Have an amazing week, being your own inspiration, removing layers while Revealing Inner Beauty and I’ll look forward to speaking with you again soon.

Join me for live meditation online, free on Mondays 8.30 pm - 9 pm (UK time). Register now to get your free introduction to meditation and join me live on Zoom for 30 minutes. 

For additional reassurance, help, support, and inspiration check out everything we offer at The Quantum Questions. 

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