The Quantum Questions Blog

Turning Off Your Thoughts

Welcome to Mind Focused Monday, where I  support you in remembering the POWER of a TRULY FOCUSED MIND. 

Let’s start each week by slowing down, emptying the mind, and opening the heart, in preparation for the week ahead and living abundantly now. Take a long, deep loving breath in, and exhale everything that doesn’t help you, support you or serve you. 

On the path to a truly focused mind, you will eventually arrive at and become familiar with a mental place of mind emptiness. In supporting you with this journey I’m going to encourage you to enjoy this week's keywords, EMPTY YOUR MIND, either out loud or in your mind's eye, as a guide, a reminder or a mantra in the week ahead.

As being curious about the empty mind arises, you may begin asking inquiring questions. Let’s have a quick and friendly, enquiring Q&A session:

How can I empty my mind of life’s busyness? Explore and start doing meditation, EMPTY YOUR MIND!

How can I empty my mind...

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