The Quantum Questions Blog

Heart Based Living

Uncategorized Apr 11, 2022

Welcome to Mind Focused Monday, where I support you in remembering the POWER of a TRULY FOCUSED MIND. 

The mind works perfectly when it is empty and still. We want you to focus on emptying the mind and when the mind is empty, then head into the heart. All too often the mind, thinking it’s alone, is clinging on whilst trying to keep up. Whereas the heart has always been available to lovingly guide and support the mind, yet sadly, too few people really understand how to access, and use this intuitive masterpiece.

To enjoy Heart-Based Living we learn to communicate as balanced, integrated and whole people. We understand that the heart and the mind were always intended to work together in perfect  harmony. We can start Heart-Based Living by celebrating the mind as a perfectly formed instrument which works effectively, provided we learn to use it for the tasks it was intended. 

The mind was always intended to be quiet and still in such a way that it becomes a...

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Spiritual Seeking

Welcome to Mind Focused Monday, where I support you in remembering the POWER of a TRULY FOCUSED MIND. 

Today, let’s look at the puzzle called Spiritual Seeking and at how, despite our good intentions, it makes our mind full while blocking us from our true presence within. 

Our key words to help keep you stay even more focused and in the now this week are, true presence. Remember you can use the words true presence, either out loud or in your mind's eye, as a guide, a reminder or a support in the week ahead.

In fact, for me, I have to admit, whilst it’s not the worst vice in the world, I was actually a long way from my true presence, by being addicted to spiritual seeking. 

Let me give you an example. Whilst on the seeking trip to India, I was, as usual, looking for answers, looking to fill the inner void as we all so often do, and seeking to be connected to all that is, was, and ever will be. Do you recognize this setup? In hindsight, I had become a...

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Personal Therapeutic Gardening

Welcome to Mind Focused Monday, where I support you in remembering the POWER of a TRULY FOCUSED MIND.
I will also emphasise keywords of guidance, like Creating Mind Space,  as words for you to use either out loud or in your mind's eye, as a guide, a reminder or a mantra in the week ahead.
Just as a garden that has been left unattended becomes an overgrown jungle of a mess, so too does a mind that has been left unattended and running on autopilot.  
The great news is that you can retake control and be Creating Mind Space, by shedding the undergrowth of old unnecessary mental layers. Furthermore, you can be pruning the mind by stopping autopilot, removing negative thoughts, busyness, and distraction that you have built up throughout the chaotic aspects of your life to date.
So, let me support you in clearing unwanted weeds, moss, and nettles from the potentially fertile space known as your mind. 
Then let me support you further by guiding you in clearing the...
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Peeling The Layers Of The Onion

Welcome to Mind Focused Monday, where I support you in remembering the POWER of a TRULY FOCUSED MIND. 

This week, let me support you in peeling away unnecessary mental layers while supporting you in Revealing Inner Beauty. I will emphasize keywords of guidance, like Revealing Inner Beauty,  as words for you to use either out loud or in your mind's eye, as a guide, a reminder or a mantra in the week ahead.

So the way of Revealing Inner Beauty is to peel back the many layers we have overlaid. That’s it. You just peel them away, peel away the identities that no longer serve you as if peeling away the layers of an onion, just strip it away, layer by layer, strip away all the distractions that you’ve built up during this lifetime, and as you’re dropping the layers, your Revealing Inner Beauty

You start with the outer skin first, the protective layer and voila a new journey to Revealing Inner Beauty begins. Then skin upon skin, layer upon layer,...

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Turning Off Your Thoughts

Welcome to Mind Focused Monday, where I  support you in remembering the POWER of a TRULY FOCUSED MIND. 

Let’s start each week by slowing down, emptying the mind, and opening the heart, in preparation for the week ahead and living abundantly now. Take a long, deep loving breath in, and exhale everything that doesn’t help you, support you or serve you. 

On the path to a truly focused mind, you will eventually arrive at and become familiar with a mental place of mind emptiness. In supporting you with this journey I’m going to encourage you to enjoy this week's keywords, EMPTY YOUR MIND, either out loud or in your mind's eye, as a guide, a reminder or a mantra in the week ahead.

As being curious about the empty mind arises, you may begin asking inquiring questions. Let’s have a quick and friendly, enquiring Q&A session:

How can I empty my mind of life’s busyness? Explore and start doing meditation, EMPTY YOUR MIND!

How can I empty my mind...

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Mind Focused Monday

Welcome to Mind Focused Monday, where I support you in remembering the POWER of a TRULY FOCUSED MIND.

Each Monday you can begin your week by experiencing with me, the growing POWER OF A FOCUSED MIND. I may tell you supportive MIND FOCUSED stories, give you guidance on how to use the mind as a tool, teach you techniques to focus your mind, or share ideas and strategies which, when followed, will allow you to more easily:

UNDERSTAND THE MIND e.g. The mind is a tool that can be used correctly to better manage your emotions and create silence.

GAIN CONTROL OF THE MIND e.g. Used properly the mind is our instrument to use, we can eventually remove false identities, addictions, unwanted voices, stress, and anxiety.

FOCUS YOUR MIND e.g. When focused, the mind can be used to achieve your goals; including the creation of peaceful, positive conversations with yourself and others.

DEVELOP A HEALTHY MIND e.g. A mind that develops and implements the correct daily practices will be...

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